New Year’s Resolutions fail: 10 ways to rock the new New Year

Mama Mei Sophie Mei Lan and daughter Arianna

You’ve written them, you thought they were achievable and now it’s actually the New Year, it’s just not happening. 

Here are some tips to ‘pick yourself up and try again’ – so revise that list and get real.

This begins with forgiving yourself for revamping (“failing”) any of your New Year Resolutions.

I am guilty too, so this is pretty much my revision of some resolutions…


1) Positive affirmations: something I learnt from a self-help group. 

Stick up positive affirmations around the house and say them to yourself every day, no matter how rubbish you feel.

“I am great at what I do (job/parent/carer/volunteer etc)”

“I look amazing” (SAY IT!)

And whilst you’re at it always accept compliments.


2) Eat at the table: at least once a week

So simple yet so important whether you’re eating alone or with family, or you sit instead of walking and eating. If you’re alone, focus on each mouthful and chewing.

If you’re with people, enjoy the food and make sure you’re asking questions and having a conversation.

Don’t worry it’s not the total end to TV dinners but make them more of a treat than a ‘given.’


3) Clear out the clutter: donate or sell your stuff

If your life is cluttered with stuff, have a big clear out.

I’m aiming to reduce my stuff by a half. I aim to fill one bin liner of stuff to donate each week.There’s groups on facebook such as ‘Kon Mari’ which is about clearing out any items that don’t give you joy.

Or if you want to make a bit of cash try selling your belongings online on Ebay or free through Facebook selling sites in your area. If you still have clothes in good condition that are not selling but you don’t want to donate them, you can always take them to a Cash for Clothes site (google one in your area).


4) Make lists: Have a dump pad 

Have a notepad or two around the house where you can dump all your ideas, reminders etc (or do this on your phone in the notes part).

Then on a Sunday or Monday organise your notes in a priority list of to-dos.


5) Shop local and independent: especially if there’s a market near you

Not only will you be helping the local economy but you’ll have a more personal shopping experience. Plus when it comes to food you could save a fortune by shopping at a local market rather than supermarket.

We don’t have a great market close to us but it’s worth the travel for fresh food and lower prices.


 6) Move more: it doesn’t mean you have to be a gym bunny

Just change your habits – take the stairs instead of the lift, dance to the opening music of your favourite TV shows. You get the picture. If you’re like me just dance anywhere and everywhere especially if it’s cold – I love a good shimmy at the bus stop.  Also if you drive and have a car, try factor in enough time to walk to certain places. Or if you use the bus, try walking to a bus stop further away.


7) Be frugal AND have fun: save and sort your money

Try and save and not scrimp or miss out on enjoyable activities. Simple things like checking out a supermarket’s reduced section or planning your weekly menu before going shopping.

photo 2 (3)

If you’re in debt or not great with your money there’s lots of places you can get help such as your local Citizen’s Advice Bureau or go online:

Plan your year ahead by under-estimating your money/income and over-estimating certain expenses. That way you can pick and choose your budget for each activity.


8) Make healthy food interesting: Eat fresh, home-made and free-range

I’m talking making a kebab out of fruit, using water melon to make a ‘pizza’ and using cauliflower blitzed instead of white rice. There’s tons of ways to enjoy healthy food by cooking it yourself at home.

Lobster cooking on Christmas DAy

But everything is in moderation as we all need treats.  And whilst you’re at it, when and if you can afford to eat free-range.


9) Take screen breaks: drop your mobile, tablet and computer for one hour a day

I’m still working on this. But if I have a dump pad next to my bed, it’s easier to detach myself from my phone for an hour before bed.


10) Get sociable: ‘Everybody needs good neighbours’

Talk to people on your street, say hello to strangers when passing (or just smile if easier) and make the effort to get to know new people.


Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t stick to a resolution just rewrite and revise it. You can always start again on Chinese New Year (Feb, 8, 2016). 

Join the conversation using #NewYearLoveMe

Arianna Mei Rosa Hale on NYE 2015


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